Pat Williams Productions

60-Second Express Video Showcase

Embrace the Video Revolution

Our team specializes in the #1 marketing tool on social media:

60-second videos

View Our Work

Trailer: Jane Davis Dogget - Wayfinding Pioneer | Pat Williams Productions

Experience the Beauty: Lighthouse Art Center's 11th Annual Plein Air Festival

Experience Andy Warhol's Rare Works at Lighthouse Art Center | Pat Williams Productions Showcase

Nina Haven Scholarships: Investing in Martin County's Future | Pat Williams Productions

Like Mind: The Works of Jason & Nicole Newsted at Lighthouse Art Center - A Pat Williams Production

Discover Lighthouse Art Center: A Hub for Artists, Collectors, and Students | Pat Williams Prod.

60s Themed 'Dart for Art' Event: Celebrating Lighthouse Art Center's 60th Anniversary | A PWP

Art Connects Across the Ages: Glass and Wood Masterpieces at Lighthouse Art Center | Pat Williams

Discover Hunt Slonem's Exotic Art: Bunnies, Birds, and Butterflies | A Pat Williams Production

Mary Washer: Crafting Elegant Homes with Personal Touch | A Pat Williams Productions Feature

Dante Robere Winery: A Hidden Gem in Livermore, California | Pat Williams Productions

Scott Hughes: Architectural Elegance & Modernity | A Pat Williams Productions Feature

Wild Hearts Exhibit: Helmut Koller & Ellen Jewett's Animal Art | Lighthouse Art Center

Full Feature: Jane Davis Dogget: Wayfinder in the Jet Age | A Pat Williams Productions Documentary

Learn More About Pat Williams Productions

Want to Setup a Chat with Pat?

Call us @ 772-678-9828 or fill out the form below and Pat Williams will get back to you ASAP!

    Your Name:

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    Preferred Method of Contact: EmailPhone

    Type of Project: Art and Cultural ShowcaseEducational DocumentaryCommunity InitiativeReal Estate and Interior Design PromotionEvent Promotion and FundraisingOther (Please specify below)

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    Our videos tell stories to

    Persuade, Inform, Influence & Delight

    It works in 4 easy steps

    We Meet

    in person or via Zoom to learn your story

    You Upload

    We Write

    We Produce

    Videos are the most effective and popular way to grow an audience on social media

    –, 10/01/21

    Brands That Trust Us

    The #1 demand I have for my businesses are people who can take the concept of a business and tell a story in 59 seconds to plaster all over social media.

    Kevin O’Leary, Shark Tank’s “Mr. Wonderful,” on the power of video marketing.